Our 23 Favorite Places To Find Agates In Alaska In 2023

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Are you ready to embark on an exciting treasure hunt in the wilds of Alaska? If you’ve got a knack for discovering nature’s hidden gems, then you’re in for a treat. In 2023, we’ve scoured the vast expanse of the Last Frontier to bring you the ultimate list of our 23 favorite places to find agates in Alaska. So, grab your gear, dust off your hiking boots, and let’s get hunting!

What is Alaska Agate?

Agate in Alsaka

Alaska Agate, often referred to as “Alaskan Ice Cream” by rockhounding enthusiasts, is a captivating variety of agate found in the Last Frontier. These mesmerizing gemstones come in a spectrum of colors and patterns, making each discovery a unique and thrilling experience. Let’s take a closer look at some of the intriguing variations of Alaska Agate.

Moss Agates

Moss Agates are renowned for their ethereal green hues and the mesmerizing moss-like inclusions within them. These inclusions, often resembling delicate ferns or mossy landscapes, give Moss Agates their distinctive and captivating appearance. Found in various parts of Alaska, these gems offer a glimpse into the state’s rich geological history.

Fire Agates

Fire Agates are a fiery and passionate variety of Alaska Agate. Their vivid red and orange colors are reminiscent of blazing flames, and they often exhibit a captivating play of light and color known as “fire.” These agates are a true treasure for those who appreciate the beauty of nature’s artistry.

Blue Lace Agates

Blue Lace Agates are as enchanting as a clear Alaskan sky on a sunny day. These agates showcase delicate, light blue bands that seem to dance within the stone. Their serene and calming appearance makes them a sought-after find among collectors and jewelry makers.

Banded Agates

Banded Agates are like nature’s abstract paintings, displaying a mesmerizing array of colors and patterns. Their bands of various shades and intricate designs create stunning visual displays that vary from stone to stone. Banded Agates found in Alaska are a testament to the state’s geological diversity.

Alaska Agates, with their captivating varieties, offer rockhounding enthusiasts a chance to connect with nature’s beauty and history. Whether you’re drawn to the lush greens of Moss Agates, the fiery allure of Fire Agates, the serenity of Blue Lace Agates, or the mesmerizing patterns of Banded Agates, these gemstones are a testament to the geological wonders of the Last Frontier.

How We Discover Fantastic Agate Locations in Alaska

Given the exquisite beauty of agates, it’s no surprise that the best locations to find them aren’t always widely publicized. In fact, it’s quite common for these hidden gem spots to remain secrets known only to a select few locals. Fortunately, you’re in luck because you have access to someone who knows the ropes!

Our recommendations are carefully crafted, taking into account several key factors:

  1. Team Expertise: Our team possesses a wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge of the area, ensuring that our recommendations are based on a deep understanding of the landscape.
  2. Local Insights: We tap into the insights of local groups and clubs dedicated to the art of rockhounding and agate collecting. Their valuable recommendations provide us with insider information on the best locations.
  3. Accessibility: We consider how easy it is for you to reach a particular location. We provide detailed information on access routes, ensuring that you can embark on your agate-hunting adventure with ease.
  4. Safety First: Your safety is paramount. We carefully assess potential hazards associated with each location, allowing you to enjoy your agate hunt securely.
  5. Public and Private Land: We weigh the distinction between public and private land, respecting property rights and access permissions.
  6. Inclusive Experience: Whether you’re a seasoned agate enthusiast or a novice collector, our list is designed to cater to everyone. We want to make sure that great agate samples are within reach for all.

With these factors in mind, we’ve curated an exceptional list of agate-hunting locations that’s accessible to virtually anyone. Our goal is to empower you to embark on your own agate-hunting adventure with confidence.

The Tools Every Agate Hunter Will Need

To embark on a successful agate-hunting expedition in Alaska, you’ll need the right tools of the trade.

Here’s a handy list of the essential tools every agate hunter will need:

  • Sturdy Rock Hammer: We recommend the Estwing Rock Pick as our standard choice for its durability and reliability.
  • Rugged Chisels: Give the Kendo 3-piece Chisel Set a try for tough chiseling tasks in your agate-hunting journey.
  • Compact Shovel: The Koleiya 28-inch shovel is an excellent choice, offering the versatility you need while remaining easy to carry.
  • Rock Screen Pan: Consider the Wazakura Soil Sieve Set for efficient rock and agate sifting during your hunts.
  • Eye Protection: Keep your eyes safe with DeWalt Safety Glasses, known for being both affordable and comfortable.
  • Head Protection: Safety first! Malta’s Safety Helmet has been our trusted go-to for head protection in the field.
  • Jewelers Lens with at Least 20x Magnification: For up-close examinations, you’ll find Jarlink’s Jewelers Loop to be the perfect tool for the job.
  • Geological Map: A geological map of the area you’re exploring can be immensely helpful in identifying potential agate-rich locations.
  • Guidebook: A field guide or agate-specific book can assist in identifying agates and understanding their formation.

With these trusty tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle your agate-hunting adventures in Alaska or any other agate-rich location.

The Agate-Finding Books That We Use Most

When it comes to hunting for agates in Alaska, having the right resources at your disposal can make all the difference. Here are some of the agate-finding books that we turn to most often for guidance and inspiration:

  1. National Audubon Society Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals: North America: This comprehensive guide is an excellent resource for identifying a wide range of rocks and minerals, including agates, found in North America.
  2. Northeast Treasure Hunter’s Gem & Mineral Guide: Specifically tailored to the Northeastern region, this guide is a treasure trove of information on where to find gemstones and minerals, making it a valuable companion for agate hunters in the area.
  3. Earth Treasures: The Northeastern Quadrant: Dive into the geological wonders of the Northeastern Quadrant with this informative guide, which includes insights into agate-hunting locations and techniques.
  4. Gem Trails of Alaska” by Garret Romaine: This book is a must-have for anyone venturing into the Alaskan wilderness in search of agates. “Gem Trails of Alaska” by Garret Romaine is a comprehensive guide that not only showcases some of the state’s most promising agate hunting locations but also provides valuable insights into the geological formations and history of each area. With detailed maps, photos, and helpful tips, Romaine’s book is an indispensable resource for rockhounding enthusiasts.
  5. Rockhounding Alaska: A Guide to 75 of the State’s Best Rockhounding Sites” by Montana Hodges “Rockhounding Alaska” is a gem in itself. This guidebook covers a wide range of rock and mineral collecting opportunities in Alaska, including agates. Hodges expertly highlights the best agate locations, along with detailed descriptions and photographs of what you can expect to find. It’s a fantastic companion for those who want to explore the Last Frontier’s diverse geological wonders.

The Best Spots To Find Agates in Alaska

Alaska, with its vast and diverse landscapes, offers some of the most exciting opportunities for agate hunting. In this guide, we’ll take you through the best spots to find agates in the Last Frontier. Let’s start by exploring one of the top locations: Caribou Creek.

Caribou Creek

Caribou Creek


Caribou Creek, nestled in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, is a true haven for agate enthusiasts. The unique geological features of this area make it a prime location for finding a variety of agates. Here’s where the adventure truly begins.

Where We Found Agates in Caribou Creek

As you explore the gravel bars and riverbanks of Caribou Creek, you’ll discover an abundance of agates just waiting to be unearthed. The charm of Caribou Creek lies in the diversity of agates you can find here. From Moss Agates, adorned with their enchanting green inclusions, to Banded Agates showcasing intricate patterns, there’s a treasure waiting for every rockhound.

To make the most of your agate hunting adventure in Caribou Creek, be sure to equip yourself with essential tools such as a sturdy rock hammer and a mesh bag to collect your precious finds. Caribou Creek is a place where nature’s beauty and geological wonders converge, offering an unforgettable experience for agate hunters of all levels.

Lake Iliamna

Lake Iliamna

Lake Iliamna, one of Alaska’s largest and most pristine lakes, is a hidden gem for agate hunters. Its unique geological history has given rise to a stunning variety of agates, making it a must-visit destination for rockhounding enthusiasts.

Where We Found Agates in Lake Iliamna

As you explore the pebbly beaches and shoreline of Lake Iliamna, keep a keen eye out for the captivating Fire Agates that can be found here. These agates are renowned for their fiery colors and mesmerizing play of light, adding an extra layer of allure to your agate hunting adventure.

The volcanic activity in the region has contributed to the formation of these unique Fire Agates, making Lake Iliamna a hotspot for these stunning gemstones. Beyond the thrill of agate hunting, the serene beauty of the lake and its surrounding wilderness create an enchanting backdrop for your exploration.

To make the most of your agate hunting experience at Lake Iliamna, be sure to come prepared with essential gear and a spirit of adventure. With patience and a keen eye, you’ll have the chance to unearth some of Alaska’s most captivating gems in this pristine and tranquil setting.

Tanaga Island

Tanaga Island


Tanaga Island, situated in the Aleutian Islands, is a remote and pristine destination that promises a unique agate-hunting experience. This volcanic island is a geological wonderland, offering a treasure trove of agates with striking patterns.

Where We Found Agates on Tanaga Island

Exploring the coastline and cliffs of Tanaga Island reveals a wealth of Banded Agates, each showcasing intricate and captivating patterns. These agates are a testament to the geological wonders that the island holds. The rugged terrain and remote nature of Tanaga Island add an extra layer of adventure to your agate-hunting quest.

Be prepared for a true wilderness adventure when seeking agates on Tanaga Island. Due to its remote location, it’s essential to bring all necessary supplies, including safety equipment and provisions. The effort is undoubtedly rewarded with the thrill of discovering unique gemstones in this remote and unspoiled natural setting.

Kenai River

Kenai River

The Kenai River, famous for its crystal-clear waters and bustling salmon runs, is also home to a hidden treasure trove of agates. Along the riverbanks and particularly in gravel bars and exposed areas, agate hunters can discover a diverse array of these captivating gemstones.

Where We Found Agates in Kenai River

As you explore the gravel bars and riverbanks of the Kenai River, you’ll come across a variety of agates. Blue Lace Agates, with their delicate blue patterns against the gray rocks, are a common discovery in this region. These agates, known for their exquisite beauty, add an extra dimension of charm to your agate-hunting adventure.

What makes the Kenai River truly special is the opportunity to combine fishing with agate hunting. Anglers and rockhounds alike can enjoy a memorable dual adventure while exploring this remarkable river. Be sure to pack your fishing gear and agate-hunting tools to make the most of your time along the Kenai River.

Salamtof Beach

Salamtof Beach

Salamtof Beach, nestled on Kodiak Island, is a true treasure trove of Alaska Agates. This scenic beach boasts unique geological features that have given rise to a variety of agates, including Moss Agates with intricate green inclusions.

Where We Found Agates in Salamtof Beach

Exploring Salamtof Beach’s picturesque shores and pebbly terrain offers a chance to discover these remarkable agates. Moss Agates, known for their enchanting green inclusions resembling delicate moss and ferns, are a common find here. Patience and a keen eye are essential as you comb through the gravel to unearth these precious gems.

Kodiak Island’s natural beauty adds an extra layer of magic to your agate-hunting experience. Surrounded by stunning landscapes and pristine waters, Salamtof Beach is a destination where nature’s wonders and geological treasures converge.

Other Great Places To Find Agates in Alaska

alaska agate

If you have more time and energy to extend your exploration, below are some of the other agate-bearing sites in Alaska that we recommend you visit. We’ve listed them down by region for your easier reference.

Our recommendations by region

Alaska Peninsula and Bristol BayShores of Nonvianuk Lake
Alaska Peninsula and Bristol BayBeach gravels of Port Heiden to Port Moller
Aleutian IslandsBeach gravels of Sand Point in Shumagin Island
Aleutian IslandsBeach gravels of Captain’s Bay to Priest Rock in Dutch Harbor
Interior RegionArea of Fortymile and Goodpasture
Interior RegionHealy area
South and Southeastern AlaskaFire Island
South and Southeastern AlaskaLuster’s claim in Talkeetna Mountains
South and Southeastern AlaskaAnchor River
South and Southeastern AlaskaBeaches from Gambier Bay to Wilson Cove and near Point Gardner
South and Southeastern AlaskaAgony Beach
South and Southeastern AlaskaGlacier Bay and Hamilton Bay
South and Southeastern AlaskaSaginaw Bay


Additional Areas You Can Find Agates

Exploring Alaska’s agate-rich landscapes goes beyond the specific locations we’ve highlighted. In this section, we’ll delve into additional areas where you can uncover these captivating gemstones.


Beaches along Alaska’s extensive coastline are often fruitful grounds for agate hunting. The constant action of waves and tides helps reveal agates hidden beneath the sand and pebbles. While Salamtof Beach and Caribou Creek are remarkable examples, many coastal areas harbor agates waiting to be discovered. So, whether you’re strolling along a remote beach or a popular coastal destination, keep your eyes peeled for the glimmer of these hidden treasures.

Rivers and River Banks

Alaska’s rivers and their banks offer prime agate-hunting opportunities. The Kenai River, as we’ve previously mentioned, is a fantastic spot. However, many other rivers across the state, such as the Susitna, the Kuskokwim, and the Copper River, have gravel bars and exposed areas where agates can be found. These dynamic waterways have shaped and polished agates over time, making them easily accessible to those who explore their shores.

Streams and Creeks

Streams and creeks are like nature’s treasure troves when it comes to agate hunting. The gentle flow of water carries agates downstream, and as it does, these gemstones often get caught in gravel beds and rocky outcrops. While exploring Caribou Creek or other similar locations, don’t hesitate to venture into smaller streams and creeks in search of agates. The thrill of discovery can be just as rewarding in these lesser-explored areas.

Common Agate-Hunting Questions

As agate enthusiasts embark on their quests to discover these captivating gemstones in Alaska, it’s natural to have questions about the legality and ethics of collecting. In this section, we’ll address some of the common agate-hunting questions that may arise during your adventures.

Is it illegal to collect agate in Alaska?

No, it is not illegal to collect agates in Alaska. Agate hunting is a popular and legitimate recreational activity in the state. However, while it’s legal to collect agates, it’s essential to do so responsibly and ethically. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Respect Private Property: Ensure you have permission to collect agates on private property. Always respect landowner rights and boundaries.
  • Follow Park Regulations: If you plan to hunt in state or national parks, be aware of and adhere to park regulations regarding rock and mineral collection.
  • Avoid Ecologically Sensitive Areas: Steer clear of fragile ecosystems, nesting areas, and wildlife habitats while hunting for agates.
  • Leave No Trace: Practice the “Leave No Trace” principles by minimizing your impact on the environment. Carry out all trash and leave the natural beauty of Alaska intact.
  • Safety First: Take safety precautions while exploring remote areas. Let someone know your plans, carry essential gear, and be mindful of your surroundings.

Where can you find agates in Alaska?

In Alaska, agates can be found in various locations, thanks to the state’s diverse geological formations. Here are some areas where you can potentially find agates:

  1. Beaches: Alaska’s coastal regions, particularly along the shores of the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea, are known for yielding agates. The action of tides and waves often reveals these colorful gemstones among the beach pebbles.
  2. Riverbanks: Many rivers and streams in Alaska have agates scattered along their banks. The water’s movement can expose these gems, making them accessible to rockhounds.
  3. Glacial Outwash: Some of the glacial outwash areas in Alaska can be rich sources of agates. Glacial processes often transport agates from their original locations and deposit them in these regions.
  4. Interior Alaska: Parts of the interior regions, including areas around Fairbanks, have agates hidden among the rocks and gravel. Exploring riverbeds and gravel bars in this area can lead to agate discoveries.
  5. Southeast Alaska: The southeastern part of the state, with its islands and rugged coastlines, is another promising region for agate hunting. Agates can be found on beaches and along the shores here as well.

Where is the most common place to find agates?

The most common place to find agates is along the shorelines of beaches. Beaches are natural collectors and concentrators of agates because the constant action of waves and tides can wash these colorful gemstones ashore. Agates are often found mixed in with pebbles, stones, and other debris, making them relatively easy to spot, especially when they display their characteristic banded patterns and vibrant colors.

In addition to beaches, riverbanks, gravel bars, and areas with glacial outwash can also be common locations to find agates. These areas are susceptible to agate deposits due to the movement of water, which can reveal agates hidden among rocks and gravel.

What stone is popular in Alaska?

Jade is one of the most popular stones in Alaska. Known for its vibrant green colors and cultural significance among Alaska’s indigenous peoples, jade has a rich history in the state. Alaska’s abundant deposits of jade, particularly in the Jade Mountains and the Kobuk River region, make it a sought-after gemstone for both jewelry and carvings. The intricate carvings of animals, totems, and other designs crafted from Alaskan jade are highly regarded and admired not only for their artistic beauty but also for their cultural significance. Jade’s connection to Alaska’s Native cultures and its stunning aesthetics have made it a cherished gemstone in the state.


The Best Places To Buy Agates In Alaska

Back alley rock shop

Agate hunting demands a considerable amount of knowledge, time, and effort. However, if you find yourself lacking in any of these areas, your most promising option for discovering and acquiring a specimen is to pay a visit to our highly regarded local gem shops. Here are a few of our suggested stores:

  1. Alaskan Heritage Gems & Gifts
    • Address: 216 Front St, Ketchikan, AK 99901
  1. Back Alley Rock Shop
    • Address: 507 5th Ave, Skagway, AK 99840
  1. Nature’s Jewels Rock Shop
    • Address: 5861 Arctic Blvd # B, Anchorage, AK 99518
  1. Pye Wackets
    • Address: 39426B River Ridge Rd, Sterling, AK 99672
  1. Salt and Pine
    • Address: 165 E Bunnell Ave, Homer, AK 99603


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