14 Proven Places To Find Obsidian In Nevada In 2023

Find Obsidian In Nevada

Nevada often hailed as the Silver State, is not just about silver; it’s a treasure trove of another kind – obsidian. If you’ve ever fancied the idea of venturing into the rugged terrains of the Nevada wilderness to find striking obsidian, you’re in for a treat. In 2023, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to the 14 proven places where you can discover Obsidian In Nevada 2023.

So, why obsidian, you ask? This mystical and lustrous material has intrigued humans for centuries and is used in tools, weapons, jewellery, and spiritual purposes. Its distinctive appearance, formed from rapidly cooled lava, makes it a sought-after gem among rockhounds and collectors.

But where do you start your quest for this mesmerizing gemstone in Nevada? Fear not, fellow adventurer, as we’re about to unveil the well-guarded secrets of these 14 prime locations, each holding the promise of a unique obsidian discovery.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the picturesque landscapes of Nevada, revealing where to strike gold… or, should we say, strike obsidian? From the snowy peaks of the Ruby Mountains to the sun-drenched expanses of the Black Rock Desert, we’ve got your rockhounding adventure covered.

What is Nevada Obsidian?

what is Obsidian

Obsidian, often referred to as “nature’s glass,” is a captivating volcanic glass formed through the rapid cooling of lava. Nevada, known for its rugged landscapes and volcanic history, is a hotbed for obsidian enthusiasts and rockhounds. But what makes Nevada obsidian unique, and why is it so sought after?

Nevada Obsidian Characteristics

Nevada’s obsidian comes in various types and colors, making each find a distinctive treasure. Here are some of the most notable characteristics of Nevada obsidian:

  1. Color Variety: Nevada obsidian showcases an array of colors, including black, mahogany, rainbow, gold sheen, and, most notably, snowflake obsidian. These colors depend on the mineral inclusions and impurities present during its formation.
  2. Translucent Beauty: When expertly cut and polished, Nevada obsidian exhibits a mesmerizing translucence, making it a favorite for crafting jewelry and ornamental pieces.
  3. Unique Patterns: Snowflake obsidian, a popular variant found in Nevada, boasts white, snowflake-like spherulites scattered across its dark base, creating a striking contrast.
  4. Sharpness: Obsidian is known for its exceptional sharpness. Native Americans used obsidian blades for cutting and hunting, as the material’s edge is sharper than surgical steel.

Now that we’ve delved into what makes Nevada obsidian special, let’s focus on a particularly captivating variety: snowflake obsidian.

Finding Snowflake Obsidian in Nevada

Snowflake obsidian is a distinctive variety of obsidian characterized by its dark base color adorned with white snowflake-like patterns. The contrast between the black and white creates an enchanting visual appeal, making it a prized find for rockhounds and collectors.

Where to Find Snowflake Obsidian

  1. Black Rock Desert: Our first stop on this obsidian quest, Black Rock Desert, is renowned for its abundant deposits of snowflake obsidian. Located in northwestern Nevada, this vast playa offers a prime hunting ground for this unique gemstone.
  2. Virgin Valley: Head to the northwestern part of the state to explore the Virgin Valley. This area is not only famous for its opals but also harbors snowflake obsidian waiting to be discovered.
  3. Davis Creek Recreation Area: Nestled in the eastern Sierra Nevada mountains, this area is a hidden gem for snowflake obsidian enthusiasts. The obsidian here exhibits remarkable clarity and is perfect for crafting.
  4. Rainbow Ridge: As the name suggests, Rainbow Ridge is a colorful destination in northern Nevada. Here, you can find snowflake obsidian with captivating rainbow sheens, adding an extra layer of beauty to your discoveries.
  5. Glass Buttes: Located in the southeastern part of the state, Glass Buttes is a mecca for obsidian seekers. Among its treasures, you’ll come across snowflake obsidian, prized for its unique appearance.

How We Discover Fantastic Obsidian Locations in Nevada

Given the exquisite beauty of Obsidians, it’s no surprise that the best locations to find them aren’t always widely publicized. In fact, it’s quite common for these hidden gem spots to remain secrets known only to a select few locals. Fortunately, you’re in luck because you have access to someone who knows the ropes!

Our recommendations are carefully crafted, taking into account several key factors:

  1. Team Expertise: Our team possesses a wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge of the area, ensuring that our recommendations are based on a deep understanding of the landscape.
  2. Local Insights: We tap into the insights of local groups and clubs dedicated to the art of rockhounding and Obsidian collecting. Their valuable recommendations provide us with insider information on the best locations.
  3. Accessibility: We consider how easy it is for you to reach a particular location. We provide detailed information on access routes, ensuring that you can embark on your Obsidian-hunting adventure with ease.
  4. Safety First: Your safety is paramount. We carefully assess potential hazards associated with each location, allowing you to enjoy your Obsidian hunt securely.
  5. Public and Private Land: We weigh the distinction between public and private land, respecting property rights and access permissions.
  6. Inclusive Experience: Whether you’re a seasoned Obsidian enthusiast or a novice collector, our list is designed to cater to everyone. We want to make sure that great Obsidian samples are within reach for all.

With these factors in mind, we’ve curated an exceptional list of Obsidian-hunting locations that’s accessible to virtually anyone. Our goal is to empower you to embark on your own Obsidian-hunting adventure with confidence.

The Tools Every Obsidian Hunter Will Need

To embark on a successful Obsidian-hunting expedition in Nevada, you’ll need the right tools of the trade.

Here’s a handy list of the essential tools every Obsidian hunter will need:

  • Sturdy Rock Hammer: We recommend the Estwing Rock Pick as our standard choice for its durability and reliability.
  • Rugged Chisels: Give the Kendo 3-piece Chisel Set a try for tough chiseling tasks in your agate-hunting journey.
  • Compact Shovel: The Koleiya 28-inch shovel is an excellent choice, offering the versatility you need while remaining easy to carry.
  • Rock Screen Pan: Consider the Wazakura Soil Sieve Set for efficient rock and agate sifting during your hunts.
  • Eye Protection: Keep your eyes safe with DeWalt Safety Glasses, known for being both affordable and comfortable.
  • Head Protection: Safety first! Malta’s Safety Helmet has been our trusted go-to for head protection in the field.
  • Jewelers Lens with at Least 20x Magnification: For up-close examinations, you’ll find Jarlink’s Jewelers Loop to be the perfect tool for the job.
  • Geological Map: A geological map of the area you’re exploring can be immensely helpful in identifying potential agate-rich locations.
  • Guidebook: A field guide or agate-specific book can assist in identifying agates and understanding their formation.

With these trusty tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle your Obsidian-hunting adventures in Nevada or any other Obsidian-rich location.

The Obsidian-Finding Books That We Use Most

When it comes to hunting for Obsidians, having the right resources at your disposal can make all the difference. Here are some of the Obsidian-finding books that we turn to most often for guidance and inspiration:

  1. National Audubon Society Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals: North America: This comprehensive guide is an excellent resource for identifying a wide range of rocks and minerals, including Obsidians, found in North America.
  2. Northeast Treasure Hunter’s Gem & Mineral Guide: Specifically tailored to the Northeastern region, this guide is a treasure trove of information on where to find gemstones and minerals, making it a valuable companion for Obsidian hunters in the area.

Earth Treasures: The Northeastern Quadrant: Dive into the geological wonders of the Northeastern Quadrant with this informative guide, which includes insights into Obsidian-hunting locations and techniques.

The Best Spots To Find Obsidian in Nevada

Battle Mountain

Battle Mountain

Nevada is a treasure chest of obsidian, and one of its hidden gems is Battle Mountain. Located in north-central Nevada, Battle Mountain is a rockhound’s paradise, boasting a rich geological history and easy accessibility.

Situated in Lander County, Battle Mountain is conveniently located along Interstate 80, making it accessible for both local rockhounds and those traveling from afar. Interstate 80, also known as the Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway, stretches across the entire state, providing a direct route to this obsidian-rich destination.

From a geological standpoint, Battle Mountain is nestled within the Basin and Range Province, a region renowned for its diverse geological features. The town lies on the eastern flank of the Shoshone Range and is surrounded by the Humboldt River Valley.

The obsidian in Battle Mountain owes its existence to the region’s volcanic history. Over millions of years, volcanic activity in the area has given rise to a wealth of obsidian deposits, including the prized snowflake obsidian.

Where We Found Obsidian at Battle Mountain

When venturing to Battle Mountain in search of obsidian, you’ll discover several promising locations to explore. Here’s where we found obsidian in this captivating region:

  1. Prospector Park: Located within the town itself, Prospector Park offers a convenient starting point for your obsidian hunt. The park is known for its surface obsidian, making it an excellent spot for beginners. Keep your eyes peeled for striking black and mahogany obsidian varieties.
  2. Bartine Ranch: Situated southwest of Battle Mountain, Bartine Ranch is a well-known obsidian hotspot. Here, you’ll encounter a diverse range of obsidian types, including the beautiful rainbow obsidian. Remember to obtain any necessary permissions if required before exploring this privately owned land.
  3. Shoshone Range: For those looking for a more challenging adventure, the Shoshone Range is a must-visit. This mountain range, east of Battle Mountain, contains a wealth of obsidian deposits. Hike the slopes and explore the exposed obsidian formations to uncover your prized specimens.
  4. Lone Mountain: Just a short drive from Battle Mountain, Lone Mountain is famous for its abundant black obsidian. Its remote location ensures a peaceful and rewarding rockhounding experience. Keep an eye out for glassy, jet-black obsidian pieces.

Death Valley

Death Valley

Nestled on the eastern border of California, Death Valley is a geological wonder that extends into Nevada. This remarkable expanse of arid terrain is a part of the larger Mojave Desert and holds the title of being the hottest, driest, and lowest national park in the United States. To reach Death Valley from Nevada, one can take Highway 95 southward and connect to Highway 374, which leads directly into the park. It’s a journey that promises breathtaking desert vistas and a unique geological experience.

Death Valley’s geological history is nothing short of fascinating. This national park is a treasure trove of diverse geological features, including towering mountain ranges, salt flats, sand dunes, and canyons. Its unique landscape tells the story of millions of years of geological processes.

One standout feature is the Panamint Range, which rises dramatically along the western side of the valley. This mountain range is part of the larger Basin and Range Province and is home to numerous geological wonders, including exposed rock formations that hold the potential for obsidian discoveries.

Where We Found Obsidian at Death Valley

When it comes to obsidian hunting, Death Valley has its own allure. Within this harsh and unforgiving landscape, there are specific locations where you can uncover this coveted volcanic glass.

  1. Ubehebe Crater: This massive volcanic crater is a geological marvel in itself. Located on the northern side of Death Valley, it offers opportunities to find obsidian fragments near its rim. The dark volcanic rocks here are remnants of past eruptions and may contain obsidian treasures.
  2. Eureka Dunes: Journey to the Eureka Valley within Death Valley National Park to explore the Eureka Dunes. While primarily known for its towering sand dunes, this area has also yielded obsidian specimens. Be prepared for a challenging hike, as the dunes can be quite steep.
  3. Funeral Mountains: As the name might suggest, the Funeral Mountains are a rugged range in the southeastern part of Death Valley. This area has been known to harbor obsidian deposits, offering intrepid rockhounds a chance to make fascinating discoveries.

Fish Lake Valley

Fish Lake Valley

Fish Lake Valley, situated in the southwestern part of Nevada, is a hidden gem for obsidian enthusiasts. This remote valley is surrounded by the White Mountains to the west and the Inyo Mountains to the east, creating a picturesque and tranquil setting for rockhounding adventures.

Highway connections to Fish Lake Valley are somewhat limited due to its secluded nature. However, you can reach this obsidian-rich area by taking Highway 264, which runs through the valley. Another option is to access the valley via Highway 168 from the east, which connects to Highway 264.

From a geological perspective, Fish Lake Valley is a fascinating location for obsidian seekers. The valley is part of the Basin and Range Province, a region known for its complex geological history. This geological setting, characterized by the stretching and faulting of the Earth’s crust, has played a significant role in the formation of obsidian deposits in the area.

Volcanic activity in the past has contributed to the presence of obsidian in Fish Lake Valley. When lava erupted from volcanoes, it cooled rapidly, forming this unique volcanic glass. Over time, the obsidian has weathered and eroded, exposing valuable specimens for rockhounds to discover.

Now, let’s dive into where exactly you can find obsidian within Fish Lake Valley.

Where We Found Obsidian at Fish Lake Valley

Fish Lake Valley offers several promising locations for obsidian hunting, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are some notable spots to search for this captivating volcanic glass:

  1. Pinyon Peak: Located to the south of Fish Lake Valley, Pinyon Peak is known for its mahogany obsidian. The dark, rich colors of the obsidian in this area make it a sought-after variety among collectors.
  2. Queen Mountain: Head to the western part of the valley to explore Queen Mountain. Here, you can find a mix of obsidian types, including black and mahogany obsidian. The contrast between the dark obsidian and the valley’s serene surroundings creates a memorable experience.
  3. Northwest of Dyer: Just northwest of the town of Dyer, you’ll encounter obsidian deposits. This area is known for its snowflake obsidian, with its characteristic white inclusions.
  4. Northern Slopes: The northern slopes of the valley also hold promise for obsidian enthusiasts. Keep an eye out for black and mahogany obsidian in this area.

Lost Creek Canyon

Lost Creek Canyon

Nestled in the heart of Nevada, Lost Creek Canyon is a hidden treasure trove for obsidian hunters and nature enthusiasts alike. This picturesque location boasts a rich geological history, making it a prime spot for discovering this captivating volcanic glass and access to the canyon is primarily via State Route 318, which intersects with U.S. Route 93.

The nearest towns to Lost Creek Canyon include Ely to the north and Hiko to the south. These towns provide essential amenities and serve as potential base camps for your obsidian-hunting adventures.

Now, let’s dive into the geological aspects that make Lost Creek Canyon a hotspot for obsidian enthusiasts:

  • Volcanic Origins: Lost Creek Canyon is part of the Great Basin region, known for its volcanic history. The obsidian found here owes its existence to ancient volcanic activity, where molten lava rapidly cooled to form this unique glassy mineral.
  • Variety of Obsidian: Within Lost Creek Canyon, you’ll encounter a diverse range of obsidian types, including the sought-after snowflake obsidian. The geological diversity in the area contributes to the wide array of colors and patterns found in the obsidian here.
  • Unique Geological Formations: Besides obsidian, Lost Creek Canyon also features intriguing geological formations, such as tuffaceous cliffs and colorful mineral deposits. These formations provide a captivating backdrop for your obsidian-hunting adventures.

Where We Found Obsidian at Lost Creek Canyon

When you venture into Lost Creek Canyon in search of obsidian, you’ll find that the opportunities are abundant. Here are some key areas where you can find obsidian :

  1. Canyon Walls: The cliffs and walls of Lost Creek Canyon are prime locations for spotting obsidian outcrops. Keep a keen eye on the canyon’s sides, as they often reveal seams and nodules of obsidian.
  2. Creek Beds: The creek that winds through the canyon has worn away layers of rock over time, exposing obsidian deposits along its banks. Be prepared to sift through gravel and sediment to unearth hidden treasures.
  3. Hiking Trails: Lost Creek Canyon offers several hiking trails that take you through diverse geological features. Along these trails, you’re likely to stumble upon obsidian specimens, especially in areas with rocky outcrops.
  4. Tributaries and Erosion Features: Explore the smaller tributaries and areas with erosion features, as these can reveal obsidian closer to the surface.

Queen Mountain

Queen Mountain

Queen Mountain is located in the Mojave Desert, which is part of Southern California in the United States. It is situated within Joshua Tree National Park, a renowned national park known for its unique desert landscapes and iconic Joshua trees.

This is the main access route to Joshua Tree National Park. Traveling east on Highway 62 from the town of Twentynine Palms, you’ll find the entrance to the park, and from there, you can access Queen Mountain.

If you’re coming from a larger city like Los Angeles or Phoenix, you can take I-10 to reach Joshua Tree National Park. Exit onto Highway 62, and follow it to the park’s entrance.

Queen Mountain is part of the larger geological formation known as the Joshua Tree Monzogranite. This monzogranite is approximately 100 million years old and was formed by the cooling and solidification of molten rock beneath the Earth’s surface. The distinctive rock formations in the area, including Queen Mountain, are the result of erosion and weathering over millions of years.

The monzogranite rocks found in this region are characterized by their coarse-grained texture and pinkish to light-gray color. They are highly resistant to erosion, which has led to the formation of rugged mountainous terrain, including Queen Mountain.

Where Obsidian is Found at Queen Mountain

Obsidian, a natural volcanic glass, can be found in various locations within Joshua Tree National Park, including Queen Mountain. Obsidian is typically associated with volcanic activity, and it forms when lava cools rapidly, preventing the growth of large mineral crystals.

Other Great Places To Find Obsidian Beds in Nevada

“After providing you with top obsidian collection spots, we’ll also present additional great locations in Nevada. For your convenience, we’ve organized them by county below.”

Our recommendations by county

ClarkAlunite area
EsmeraldaSump Hole
WashoeSparks area draws and washes

Additional Areas You Can Find Obsidian

Obsidian, with its enchanting beauty and geological intrigue, can be discovered in more places than you might imagine.  So, if you’re up for some extra exploration, let’s delve into some common obsidian hotspots.

Lake Shores

Lakeshores can be treasure troves for obsidian enthusiasts. As water erodes the surrounding terrain, it often exposes hidden obsidian deposits along the shoreline.

Head to lakes like Mono Lake, where the combination of volcanic history and water action creates excellent obsidian-hunting opportunities. Keep your eyes peeled along the pebbly edges of the water, where these glassy gems might be waiting to be discovered.

Rivers and Riverbanks

Rivers are like nature’s sculptors, carving their way through the landscape. In doing so, they sometimes reveal obsidian deposits that have been tucked away for eons.

The rivers of California, such as the Pit River and the Merced River, offer prime obsidian-hunting grounds. Wander along their rocky banks, and you may stumble upon obsidian treasures polished by the flowing waters.

Streams and Creeks

Streams and creeks, though smaller than rivers, have a knack for concentrating rocks. They often collect and reveal obsidian pebbles as they meander through the terrain.

Consider exploring streams and creeks in areas known for their volcanic history, like Lassen Volcanic National Park. These hidden gems might be found nestled among the cobblestones, awaiting your discovery.

Washes and Ravines

Washes and ravines are natural pathways for water runoff, and they can unveil obsidian deposits as they cut through layers of earth and rock.

The Mojave Desert, with its rugged terrain, is a promising destination. Explore washes and ravines in this arid landscape, and you might just stumble upon shards of obsidian glistening in the desert sun.

Common Obsidian-Hunting Questions

Is it illegal to collect obsidian in Nevada?

Collecting obsidian in Nevada is generally allowed on public lands managed by agencies like the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the U.S. Forest Service. However, there may be specific regulations and restrictions in place, depending on the location and land management policies. It’s essential to research and adhere to any rules and permits required for collecting obsidian in the area you plan to explore.

Black Rock Obsidian vs. Snowflake Obsidian

Black Rock Obsidian and Snowflake Obsidian are two distinct types of obsidian with different characteristics:

  • Black Rock Obsidian: This type of obsidian is typically pure black in color and has a glossy, glass-like appearance. It forms when lava cools quickly with minimal crystallization. Black Rock Obsidian is prized for its deep black color and is often used for making sharp tools, arrowheads, and decorative items.
  • Snowflake Obsidian: Snowflake Obsidian is characterized by its black base with white, snowflake-like inclusions of a mineral called cristobalite. These white spots or “snowflakes” are created as the obsidian cools and crystallizes. Snowflake Obsidian is known for its striking appearance and is often used for jewelry and ornamental purposes.
Where And How To Find Obsidian in 2023 (Complete Guide)

The Best Places To Buy Obsidian In Nevada

I love Crsytsal

Nevada offers a diverse range of options for purchasing obsidian. Whether you’re a collector, jewelry maker, or intrigued by this volcanic glass, here are some of the top spots to find and purchase obsidian in the state:

  1. CC Sees Your Guiding Light
    • Address: 101 S Rainbow Blvd #9, Las Vegas, NV 89145
  2. I Love Crystals
    • Address: 6643 Las Vegas Blvd S Suite B-121, Las Vegas, NV 89119
  3. Jewelry and Minerals
    • Address: 410 E Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89104
  4. Whimsy Hollow
    • Address: 550 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89107


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