The Price Of Aquamarines In 2023 By Color and Clarity

The Value Of Aquamarines

Aquamarines, often called the “water of the sea,” are beryl gemstones known for their enchanting blue and greenish-blue colors. These gemstones have been adored for centuries, captivating jewelry enthusiasts and collectors alike. In 2023, aquamarines continue to be in high demand, with their value being influenced by various characteristics.

If you were born in March, you’re in for a treat because aquamarine is your birthstone! This gemstone symbolizes serenity, courage, and a deep connection to the sea. Its calming blue color is like a soothing ocean breeze, bringing peace to those who wear it. Aquamarines are believed to protect sailors and travelers, making them a perfect companion for life’s journeys. So, if you’re a March baby, consider adorning yourself with this beautiful stone to carry a piece of the tranquil sea with you wherever you go.

But what exactly determines the value of an aquamarine? It’s not just about the size; color and clarity play a significant role in assessing their worth. Let’s dive deeper into these two critical aspects to uncover the secrets of aquamarine valuation.

What Aquamarine Is


Aquamarine is a gemstone that captures the essence of the ocean in its name and appearance. It belongs to the beryl family, which also includes emeralds. What sets aquamarine apart is its breathtaking blue-to-greenish-blue color, resembling the clear waters of a tropical paradise.

This gemstone is treasured for its beauty and is often used in jewelry to create stunning pieces that evoke a sense of calm and serenity. Aquamarine’s name is derived from the Latin words “aqua” and “mare,” meaning “water” and “sea,” which perfectly encapsulate its aquatic charm. Whether you’re an enthusiast, collector, or simply someone who appreciates nature’s beauty, aquamarine is a gem that never fails to captivate with its ocean-inspired allure.

Top Color Aquamarines


The top color aquamarine, often described as “deep blue,” is the cream of the crop in aquamarines. Its stunning hue is reminiscent of the most pristine and serene ocean waters, making it highly sought after by collectors and jewelry lovers alike. These gemstones exhibit an intense, captivating blue shade that exudes elegance and sophistication.

The term “darkness” in aquamarine refers to the depth and intensity of the blue color. The more “dark” or saturated the blue, the more valuable the aquamarine. Gem enthusiasts often describe this hue as “Santa Maria blue,” a reference to the Santa Maria de Itabira mine in Brazil, where some of the world’s finest blue aquamarines were first discovered.

Santa Maria aquamarines are renowned for their exquisite deep blue color. They are considered the benchmark for top-color aquamarines and have set the standard for what collectors and connoisseurs seek.

The Santa Maria aquamarines were first discovered in the mid-20th century in the aforementioned Brazilian mine. Their discovery created a sensation in the world of gemstones due to their exceptional color. Since then, they have remained highly coveted and are often used in high-end jewelry.

Their intense, almost hypnotic blue hue sets top-color aquamarines apart from others. These gems exhibit a depth and saturation resembling ocean water’s purest form. When expertly cut and polished, they show exceptional brilliance and clarity, making them ideal for creating exquisite jewelry pieces. Top-color aquamarines continue to be highly sought after by collectors and those who appreciate the rare beauty of these gemstones.

How Much Is Top Color Aquamarine Worth?

In 2023, the value of top-color aquamarine can be pretty substantial due to its rarity and exceptional beauty. The exact worth depends on various factors, including carat weight, clarity, and quality. The market demand for these exquisite gems continues to drive their value upward, making them a prized addition to any jewelry collection.

Aquamarines with the best blue colors come in different shades, each with a different price. Let’s take a closer look at these prices.

ColorCutPrice (Per Carat)
DarkFaceted$200 – $600
MediumFaceted$80 – $400
LightFaceted$5 – $50

Plain Aquamarine

Plain Aquamarine

Plain aquamarine offers a unique charm with its subtle and soothing blue hues. While it may not boast the intense vividness of top-color aquamarines, it possesses a tranquil beauty that captivates admirers.

The gentle, almost pastel-like shades of plain aquamarines evoke a sense of calmness, making them a popular choice for those who appreciate understated elegance. What sets plain aquamarine apart is its versatility, as it can complement a wide range of jewelry styles, from delicate pendants to statement rings, making it a gemstone for every occasion.

How much is Plain Aquamarine Worth?

The value of plain aquamarine depends on several factors, including size, color, and clarity. To give you a better idea of the price range, here’s a table showcasing approximate values based on carat weight:

Carat WeightPrice Range (USD)
1-2 carats$50 – $500
2-5 carats$200 – $1,500
5-10 carats$1,000 – $4,000
10+ carats$3,000 – $10,000+

Cat’s Eye

Cat’s Eye

Cat’s eye aquamarine is a mesmerizing variety of aquamarine that exhibits a unique optical effect known as chatoyancy. This phenomenon creates a narrow, shimmering band of light across the gem’s surface, resembling the slit pupil of a cat’s eye when viewed from certain angles.

Cat’s eye aquamarine is typically pale to medium blue, and the chatoyant effect adds an intriguing dimension to its appearance. This gemstone’s captivating play of light sets it apart from standard aquamarines, making it a favorite among collectors and gemstone enthusiasts.

The cat’s eye effect in aquamarine is caused by the needle-like inclusions of a mineral called rutile. These needle-like inclusions align themselves so that they reflect light in a single, concentrated line, creating the unique “cat’s eye” appearance.

How much is Cat’s Eye worth

Determining the exact worth of a cat’s eye gemstone can be influenced by various factors, including its size, quality, origin, and overall market demand. Below, you’ll find a general price range for cat’s eye gemstones based on these factors:

Cat’s Eye QualityPrice Range (per carat)
Exceptional Quality$1,000 – $10,000
Fine Quality$500 – $1,000
Good Quality$200 – $500
Commercial Quality$50 – $200
Low-Quality or SyntheticLess than $50

Star Aquamarine

Star Aquamarine

Star aquamarine is a rare and extraordinary variation of this captivating gemstone. What sets it apart is a remarkable phenomenon, asterism, which creates a stunning star-like pattern on the stone’s surface. This natural optical effect occurs when needle-like inclusions of a mineral called nephrite intersect within the aquamarine.

Nephrite, a form of jade, contributes to the unique charm of star aquamarines. These inclusions of nephrite, when properly aligned, form a distinct star-shaped reflection on the surface of the gem when viewed under direct light.

One great thing about star aquamarines is their ability to command attention with their remarkable visual display. When transformed into jewelry, they create a captivating and celestial appearance, making them highly desirable for those seeking a gemstone with a touch of magic and wonder.

How Much is Star Aquamarine Worth

With its enchanting asterism effect, Star aquamarine is a genuinely exceptional gemstone. It’s worth noting that star aquamarine is rarer than Cat’s Eye and therefore, commands a premium price in the market. Its scarcity and unique optical phenomenon make it a coveted choice for collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

However, as of the time of writing, specific market data regarding the exact price per carat of star aquamarine is not readily available. The value of these gemstones can vary widely depending on factors such as size, color, clarity, and the presence of the star effect. To determine the worth of a particular star aquamarine, it’s advisable to consult with gemstone experts or reputable jewelers who can provide a more accurate assessment based on the gem’s individual characteristics and market demand.

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Why Aquamarine Is So Expensive


Aquamarine, a mesmerizing blue or greenish-blue beryl gemstone, has captured the hearts of jewelry designers and gemstone enthusiasts alike. Its enduring popularity is no accident, as Aquamarine possesses a trifecta of qualities that make it truly exceptional: its stunning color, remarkable versatility, and soothing energy.

First and foremost, Aquamarine is celebrated for its enchanting color. The finest specimens boast a delicate yet vivid blue hue, ranging from the ethereal shades of a pale sky to the profound depths of the ocean. So captivating is this color that it has earned Aquamarine its name, which is a nod to the sea itself, as we explored earlier. The gem’s hue is reminiscent of the tranquil waters of tropical paradises and the endless expanse of clear blue skies, making it a cherished choice for beach lovers and dreamers alike. When you wear Aquamarine, you carry a piece of nature’s most soothing and awe-inspiring beauty.

Beyond its breathtaking beauty, Aquamarine shines as a gemstone of unparalleled versatility. It can be found in many sizes and shapes, and skilled artisans can cut and polish it into a dazzling array of styles to suit any taste. From classic solitaire rings that exude timeless elegance to unique pendant designs that showcase individuality, Aquamarine adapts effortlessly to the creative visions of jewelry designers. Whether you seek simplicity or extravagance, Aquamarine stands ready to be the centerpiece of your adornment, making each piece of jewelry a work of art in its own right.

Yet, Aquamarine’s value extends beyond its aesthetic splendor. It is also highly prized for the soothing energy it is believed to radiate. This gemstone promotes inner peace, calmness, and effective communication, making it a favored companion for meditation and spiritual practices. Its gentle energy harmonizes the mind and spirit, allowing for clarity of thought and emotional balance. Moreover, Aquamarine is believed to possess healing properties that can benefit the throat, heart, and immune system, adding a layer of holistic appeal to its already abundant charm.

How To Determine The Value Of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a gemstone known for its captivating beauty and versatility. Determining its value involves considering several key factors that can significantly influence its worth. Let’s delve into each of these factors in detail:


The color of an aquamarine is a crucial factor in determining its value. The most valuable aquamarines exhibit a deep, intense blue color, often described as “Santa Maria blue.” However, aquamarines can come in a range of shades, from pale sky blue to greenish-blue. The more vivid and saturated the blue, the higher the value. Greenish tints or overly pale colors may lower the gem’s worth.


Clarity refers to the presence of internal inclusions or external blemishes within the aquamarine. Gemstones with excellent clarity, known as “eye-clean,” are highly valued. Aquamarines with minimal inclusions that do not affect their transparency are also desirable. Heavily included stones with visible flaws are less valuable.


Chatoyancy, also known as the cat’s eye effect, is a phenomenon where a band of light appears to move across the gem’s surface when cut into a cabochon shape. Aquamarines with this effect are sought after by collectors and are valued for their unique appearance.


Asterism is another optical phenomenon where a star-shaped pattern appears on the surface of the aquamarine when it is cut into a cabochon shape. Star aquamarines are prized for this captivating effect and command a premium price.


The cut of an aquamarine plays a significant role in its value. Well-cut gemstones with precise facets and proportions maximize their brilliance and beauty. A poorly cut aquamarine may appear dull and lackluster, affecting its overall worth.


Aquamarines come in various types, including Santa Maria, Espirito Santo, and Madagascar, each with unique colors and characteristics. Santa Maria aquamarines, from Brazil, are among the most sought-after and valuable due to their intense blue color.

Treatments and Enhancements

Many aquamarines undergo treatments to enhance their color and clarity. Heat treatment is shared to improve the blue color. While these treatments are accepted in the industry, they can impact the gem’s value. Disclose any treatments when purchasing or selling aquamarines.

Carat and Size

As with many gemstones, aquamarine prices increase with carat weight. Larger aquamarines are rarer and more valuable, but they can also be more challenging to cut and shape, resulting in more wastage.

Carving and Craftsmanship

Aquamarines are sometimes carved into intricate designs or used in detailed craftsmanship. The quality of carving and craftsmanship can significantly affect the value. Well-executed carvings and settings enhance the gem’s overall worth.

Aquamarine Price By Color and Clarity

The cost of Aquamarine can change a lot because of many things we discussed earlier, but the most important ones are its color and clarity. Check out the tables below to see how much it’s worth depending on these things:

Aquamarine prices by color

ColorCutPrice (Per Carat)
Top Color – DarkFaceted$200 – $600
Top Color – MediumFaceted$80 – $400
Top Color – LightFaceted$5 – $50

Aquamarine prices by clarity

ClarityCutPrice (Per Carat)
PlainCabochon$10 – $50
Cat’s EyeCabochon$40 – $400

To give you a clearer picture of Aquamarine’s value based on different measurement units, we’ve calculated them for you below.

Aquamarine pricing by unit of measurement

A carat of Aquamarine$5 to $600
A gram of Aquamarine$25 to $3,000
An ounce of Aquamarine$709 to $85,049
A kilogram of Aquamarine$25,000 to $3,000,000
A pound of Aquamarine$11,340 to $1,360,776
A ton of Aquamarine$22,679,625 to $2,721,555,000

The Most Expensive Aquamarine

The aquamarine known as the “Dom Pedro” stands as a shining testament to the beauty and value that these exquisite gems can possess. Named after Brazil’s first two emperors, Dom Pedro I and Dom Pedro II, this aquamarine holds the distinction of being the most expensive of its kind ever sold.

The “Dom Pedro” Aquamarine is a breathtaking example of nature’s artistry. This remarkable gemstone weighs an astonishing 10,363 carats, or 4.6 pounds, making it one of the largest faceted aquamarines in the world. Its captivating blue-green hue is reminiscent of the ocean’s clear waters, and its expertly cut and polished facets enhance its brilliance and allure.

The “Dom Pedro” Aquamarine achieved global recognition when it was sold at auction for an astounding $1.3 million in 2012. This sale set a new benchmark for aquamarine prices, highlighting the rarity and desirability of exceptional specimens like the “Dom Pedro.”

The “Dom Pedro” Aquamarine not only holds a place of honor in the world of gemstones but also serves as a symbol of Brazil’s rich history and gemological heritage. It was cut from a rough aquamarine crystal mined in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, known for producing some of the world’s finest aquamarines.

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How to Get an Appraisal on Your Aquamarine

If you own an aquamarine gemstone and are curious about its value, getting a professional appraisal is wise. An appraisal provides an estimate of your aquamarine’s worth and serves as documentation for insurance purposes and potential resale.

Start by finding a certified and reputable gemologist or appraiser in your area. Look for individuals or organizations with recognized credentials, such as Graduate Gemologists (GG) from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or Accredited Senior Appraisers (ASA) from the American Society of Appraisers.

Reach out to local jewelry stores or specialized gem and jewelry appraisal services. Many of these businesses have in-house gemologists who can provide appraisals. Ensure that the appraiser you choose has experience with aquamarines.

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