Onyx worth

Step into the world of onyx, a gemstone that has captivated hearts and fired imaginations for centuries. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to uncover the secrets behind the allure of onyx, shedding light on the factors determining its value, price, and worth. From its mesmerizing banding patterns to its incredible versatility in design, onyx has earned its place as a cherished material.

Whether it graces a statement piece of jewelry or adds a touch of sophistication to architectural marvels, onyx has always been a sought-after gemstone, radiating an aura of elegance and mystique. With a history steeped in richness and innate beauty, it’s no wonder that onyx is a favorite choice among collectors and designers alike.

As you delve deeper, you’ll gain profound insights into what makes this gemstone highly prized in precious stones. We’ll unravel the intricate web of Onyx worth, price, and value, all while deciphering the enigmatic reasons behind its timeless appeal. Brace yourself for a captivating journey you won’t want to miss!

What Is Onyx

Onyx is a mesmerizing variety of the mineral chalcedony, known for its captivating appearance and unique properties.

Onyx comes in various colors, its most famous form being the classic black. However, it’s not limited to darkness; onyx can also display enchanting shades of white, brown, green, red, and a captivating blue.

What sets Onyx apart is its striking banding patterns, which adorn its surface, creating visually arresting designs. These bands can vary in color, adding to the stone’s allure. This intriguing blend of colors and patterns makes Onyx an exceptionally sought-after gemstone.

Furthermore, onyx is revered for its versatility. Whether it’s used in jewelry, sculptures, or interior design, this gemstone consistently exudes an air of sophistication and elegance.



Sardonyx emerges as a distinguished and captivating variety of onyx in the enchanting world of gemstones. This unique gemstone deserves a closer look, as it boasts its characteristics and charms that set it apart from other varieties of onyx.

Sardonyx, like its onyx siblings, belongs to the chalcedony mineral family. Sardonyx is a distinctive blend of rich, deep reds or browns with layers of white or creamy bands that distinguish it. These striking color combinations create captivating banding patterns that lend Sardonyx an air of sophistication and timelessness.

One of the fascinating aspects of sardonyx is its historical significance. This gemstone has been used for centuries to craft cameos engraved with intricate designs and portraits. These cameos served as cherished ornaments and talismans, carrying stories and symbolism from the past.

But Sardonyx isn’t just a relic of history; it continues to be cherished for its beauty and versatility in contemporary jewelry and art. Its unique appearance and enduring appeal make it a gemstone for those seeking elegance and distinction.

How much is Sardonyx worth

Sardonyx, a stunning gemstone, exhibits a broad spectrum of price ranges due to its distinct characteristics. Its value can span from as little as $1 to as much as $500 per carat, contingent upon factors such as size and quality.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx

With its deep and enigmatic allure, Black onyx is a gemstone that has captured people’s fascination across cultures and centuries. In the realm of gemstones, it occupies a special place due to its captivating black hue and its capacity to evoke a sense of mystique and elegance.

This variety of onyx belongs to the chalcedony family and is known for its cryptocrystalline structure and fine-grained appearance. Black onyx’s defining feature is its pitch-black color, which exudes a timeless sophistication. This gemstone’s deep, inky blackness lends itself beautifully to various jewelry and decorative arts forms.

One factor contributing to the allure of black onyx is its versatility in design. Craftsmen and jewelry designers have long appreciated its compatibility with various metals and settings, allowing for the creation of striking and exquisite pieces. Whether set in silver, gold, or other metals, black onyx enhances the aesthetic appeal of any jewelry item it graces.

Beyond its visual appeal, black onyx also holds symbolic significance. It has been associated with protection, strength, and grounding energy throughout history. It’s believed to shield the wearer from negative influences and promote emotional balance.

How Much Is Black Onyx Worth

Black onyx is a gemstone with a wide range of values, with prices varying based on size and quality. The cost can range from as low as $1 to as high as $500 per carat.

White Onyx (The Essence of Purity and Tranquility)

White Onyx

White onyx, a variety of the mesmerizing onyx gemstone family, embodies purity, tranquility, and timeless elegance. This exquisite gemstone is celebrated for its milky white hue and subtle banding, which together create a sense of serenity and sophistication.

As a member of the chalcedony family, white onyx shares the same cryptocrystalline structure as its counterparts. However, what sets it apart is its delicate white coloration, reminiscent of pure, glistening snow. This pristine appearance has made white onyx a sought-after choice for jewelry and decorative applications, where its gentle beauty can be admired and appreciated.

One of the distinguishing features of white onyx is its banding, which may manifest as subtle stripes or layers of white and translucent layers. This natural pattern adds depth and character to the stone, making each piece unique in its own right. Craftsmen and designers often use white onyx to create stunning jewelry items and ornamental pieces that exude a sense of calm and refinement.

White onyx is not only valued for its aesthetic appeal but also for its metaphysical properties. It is believed to promote clarity of thought, enhance concentration, and invite a sense of serenity into one’s life. Many individuals turn to white onyx for its potential to aid in decision-making and meditation practices.

How Much Is White Onyx Worth

White onyx’s value varies widely due to its unique characteristics. Depending on factors such as size and quality, the price can range from $1 to $500 per carat.

Carnelian Onyx (The Fiery Fusion of Energies)

Carnelian Onyx

Carnelian Onyx, a captivating member of the onyx gemstone family, introduces a dynamic blend of colors and energies. This exquisite gemstone seamlessly combines the deep, earthy tones of carnelian with the enchanting banding characteristic of onyx, resulting in a gem that embodies the harmonious fusion of fire and elegance.

As a variation of traditional onyx, carnelian onyx is renowned for its distinctive appearance. It is characterized by alternating layers of rich, rusty reds reminiscent of carnelian and the classic black or brown hues found in onyx. This natural juxtaposition creates striking patterns and intricate designs within the stone, making it a favored choice for jewelry and ornamental purposes.

The energetic properties of carnelian onyx are as captivating as its appearance. Carnelian, known for its vitality and motivation-enhancing qualities, infuses the gem with a fiery spirit that invigorates the soul. At the same time, traditional onyx’s grounding and stabilizing influence fosters a sense of balance and strength.

This unique combination of energies has led to the belief that Carnelian Onyx can inspire courage, boost self-confidence, and support individuals in pursuing ambitious goals. It is often used as a talisman or amulet to provide protection and empowerment.

How Much Is Carnelian Onyx Worth

The worth of a Carnelian Onyx can differ because each one is unique. It all depends on how big and good it is, but they generally cost between $1 to $500 per carat.

Blue Onyx

Blue Onyx

Blue onyx, a captivating member of the onyx gemstone family, exudes a sense of calm and tranquility with its enchanting shades of blue. This unique gemstone’s serene beauty makes it a favorite among gemstone enthusiasts and jewelry designers.

The mesmerizing blue hues of this onyx variation are often streaked with bands or veins of white or lighter blue, creating a distinctive appearance reminiscent of flowing water or the ocean’s depths. These natural patterns and colors make blue onyx a sought-after choice for creating exquisite jewelry and ornamental items.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, blue onyx is believed to carry a sense of serenity and inner peace. Many people turn to this gemstone for its calming energies, which can help soothe anxieties and promote a tranquil state of mind. It is often used in meditation and spiritual practices to enhance clarity and focus.

Blue onyx’s serene qualities encourage communication and self-expression, making it a valuable tool for those seeking improved communication skills and a sense of inner harmony. Additionally, its grounding properties can help individuals feel more rooted and stable daily.

How Much Is Blue Onyx Worth

The worth of a Blue Onyx depends on its unique features, and it can cost anywhere from $1 to $500 for each carat. This price range is determined by factors like how big it is and how good its quality is.

Red Onyx

Red Onyx

Red onyx, a remarkable member of the onyx gemstone family, stands out with its fiery and vibrant hues. This captivating gemstone boasts a unique blend of deep reds and striking patterns, making it a sought-after choice for those who appreciate its distinct beauty.

The rich red tones of this onyx variation are often enhanced by intricate bands or veining of white or lighter red, creating a dramatic contrast that adds to its allure. The natural patterns and colors in red onyx make it a popular choice for creating eye-catching jewelry and decorative items.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, red onyx is believed to carry vital energies associated with passion, strength, and courage. Many individuals are drawn to this gemstone for its ability to ignite a sense of vitality and determination. It is often used to boost one’s confidence and motivation.

Red onyx is also known for its grounding properties, helping individuals connect with the Earth’s energies and maintain stability and security. In addition to its physical beauty, it is valued for its ability to promote emotional balance and enhance self-control.

How Much Is Red Onyx Worth

The price of red onyx can be quite different because each one is special in its own way. It can cost anywhere from $1 to $500 per carat, depending on how big and good it looks.

Why Onyx Is So Expensive


With its enigmatic beauty and timeless appeal, Onyx often comes with a premium price tag. But what makes this gemstone so expensive? Let’s dive into the factors that contribute to the higher cost of onyx.

  1. Rarity: One of the primary reasons for the relatively high price of onyx is its rarity. Onyx is not as abundant as some other gemstones, and high-quality onyx with desirable characteristics, such as intense color and well-defined banding, is even scarcer. This scarcity naturally drives up its value.
  2. Color: The color of onyx plays a significant role in determining its price. Black onyx, for example, is among the most popular and sought-after varieties. Onyx with a deep, solid black color and minimal impurities is precious. In contrast, other color variations like red or green onyx may also be highly prized but are less common, adding to their cost.
  3. Quality: Gemstone quality is paramount when assessing Onyx’s worth. Clarity, transparency, and the absence of visible inclusions significantly impact the price. Onyx, with a smooth, unblemished surface and consistent color, commands a higher value.
  4. Size and Shape: As with many gemstones, larger and well-proportioned onyx specimens are more expensive. The size and shape of onyx stones can influence their usability in jewelry and decorative items, further affecting their price.
  5. Treatment: Onyx is sometimes subjected to treatments to enhance its color or clarity. While these treatments can improve the gemstone’s appearance, untreated and naturally colored onyx is considered more valuable.
  6. Craftsmanship: The quality of the cutting and polishing process can significantly impact the final price of onyx gemstones. Expert craftsmanship can unlock the stone’s full potential, maximizing its visual appeal.
  7. Market Demand: The demand for onyx, driven by its unique appearance and metaphysical properties, also affects its price. Jewelry and interior design trends can lead to fluctuations in market demand and, consequently, costs.
  8. Origin: The source of the onyx can influence its value. Certain regions are known for producing high-quality onyx; specimens from these locations may be more highly regarded and command higher prices.

How to Determine the Value of Onyx

Determine Value of Oynx

With its captivating beauty, Onyx is often assessed based on several key factors to determine its value. Understanding these factors is crucial whether you’re an enthusiast, collector, or considering an onyx purchase.


The color of the onyx is a significant determinant of its worth. Black onyx is the most sought-after variety, with a deep, solid black color being the most valuable. However, other colors like red, green, white, and blue onyx also exist and can vary in price based on their intensity and rarity.

Clarity and Transparency

The clarity and transparency of Onyx are vital considerations when evaluating its value. High-quality onyx should have minimal to no visible inclusions or blemishes. Stones with clear, unobstructed surfaces are generally more valuable.

Pattern and Banding

One of the distinguishing features of onyx is its banding, which adds to its aesthetic appeal. The more distinct and well-defined the bands, the more valuable the onyx. Patterns can vary from straight lines to intricate swirls, and the uniqueness of the design can influence the price.

Cut and Polish

The craftsmanship involved in cutting and polishing onyx is crucial. A well-executed cut and polish enhance the gem’s brilliance and visual appeal. Skilled workmanship can also bring out the stone’s full potential, impacting its value.

Size and Carat

As with many gemstones, size matters when determining the value of onyx. Larger, well-proportioned stones tend to command higher prices. Carat weight, which refers to the size of the gem, is a key factor in assessing value.


Treatment can influence the appearance and price of onyx. Some onyx specimens may undergo treatments to enhance their color or clarity. While treated onyx can be visually appealing, untreated and naturally colored onyx is typically considered more valuable.

Provenance and Rarity

The source or provenance of onyx can play a significant role in its value. Certain regions are known for producing high-quality onyx; stones from these locations may be more highly regarded and command higher prices. Additionally, the rarity of specific onyx varieties, patterns, or colors can increase their worth.

Onyx Price By Color

The price of onyx can vary widely, typically falling between $1 and $500 per carat, but exceptional and rare gems may command even higher prices. Various factors influence the cost of onyx, including its color, clarity, pattern, size, cut, polish, treatment, and where it comes from. Providing an exact price without considering these factors is challenging.

Onyx gemstones can range from just a few dollars per carat for more typical colors and lower-quality stones to hundreds of dollars for uncommon hues or top-notch quality pieces.

To accurately determine the value of a specific onyx gemstone or jewelry item, it’s advisable to seek the expertise of a reputable gemologist or appraiser who can assess the stone based on these factors.

Onyx pricing by unit of measurement

A carat of onyx$1 – $500
A gram of onyx$5 – $2,500
An ounce of onyx$145 – $70,875
A kilogram of onyx$5,000 – $2,500,000
A pound of onyx$2,270 – $1,133,980
A ton of onyx$4,535,930 – $2,267,962,500
How Much Is an Opal Worth In 2023 By Color (Pricing Guide)

How To Get An Appraisal On Your Onyx

Onyx Apparisal

To get your onyx gemstone or jewelry appraised, start by finding a certified gemologist or experienced jewelry appraiser who specializes in onyx. You can search online directories, ask friends or family for recommendations, or check with local jewelry stores for suggestions. It’s essential to choose an appraiser with accreditation from reputable organizations like the Gemological Institute of America or the International Society of Appraisers.

Once you’ve identified a qualified appraiser, contact them to schedule an appraisal appointment. Inquire about the appraisal fees, which can vary depending on factors like the appraiser’s expertise, the complexity of the item, and the time needed for the assessment.

Before the appraisal, make sure to clean your onyx gemstone or jewelry thoroughly to remove any dust, dirt, or residue that could affect the evaluation. Additionally, gather any relevant documents, such as purchase receipts, certificates of authenticity, or previous appraisals, as these can provide valuable information for the appraiser.

Bring your onyx item and supporting documentation to the scheduled appointment. The appraiser will carefully examine your gemstone or jewelry, considering factors like color, clarity, pattern, size, cut, polish, treatment, and origin. They may use specialized tools such as a jeweler’s loupe or microscope for a closer inspection.

The appraiser will provide you with a written appraisal report after the evaluation. This report will include a detailed description of your onyx item, the factors influencing its value, and an estimated value based on current market conditions. It’s essential to keep the appraisal report and any related documents safe. Additionally, consider updating the appraisal every few years to reflect changes in market value.

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