Our Geological Journey – More Than Just Rocks

Chasing Rocks is more than a name; it’s a testament to our unwavering passion for all things geological. We are a group of dedicated geologists who have turned our love for the Earth’s hidden treasures into a mission to educate, inspire, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Our Geological Roots

Our story began with a shared fascination for rocks, minerals, gems, and fossils. While we pursued careers in various geology-related fields, our collective love for these geological wonders led to the birth of Chasing Rocks. We are more than academics; we are explorers at heart, constantly seeking the next great find.

Meet the Geologists Behind Chasing Rocks

Daniel Blake – The Geology Maestro

Daniel Blake, a rockhound for decades, brings a wealth of experience to Chasing Rocks. He’s not just a geologist and geophysicist; he’s also a passionate advocate for the environment and an ardent football enthusiast. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Geophysics from Michigan Technological University and a Masters’ Degree in Information Systems from Lindenwood University, Daniel adds a unique perspective to our geological pursuits.

Our Commitment

What sets us apart is our commitment to making geology accessible and exciting for everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned rockhound or just starting your geological journey, Chasing Rocks is here to guide you. We’re not just about rocks; we’re about fostering a community of exploration, discovery, and wonder.

Join us in celebrating the Earth’s geological treasures and uncovering the secrets that lie beneath our feet.